What we do
The club organises various events throughout the year, ie Fondue Night, Raclette, Movie nights, Easter Bunny, Santa, etc. Our 1 August event is a highlight of the year, with up to 500 people attending to celebrate the Swiss National Day.
See Events for all upcoming events.
We publish the ‘Swiss News’, a quarterly newsletter, advertising our events and info for our members. You can also follow us on Facebook or join our messenger chat group.
We liaise with other Swiss Clubs in Australia and NZ and Swiss Government/other groups in Switzerland to share relevant information with our members.
Groups within the club
We have several groups within the club, such as the Swiss Community Care Society, the Fraser Coast and Gold Coast groups, Jass group, Baerg-Roeseli Yodel and Folklore group, and Bushwalker group. See Active Groups.
How our club is run
The Swiss Club Qld is run by volunteers, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the help of many members who have tirelessly worked over the years to keep the club alive and flourishing. The Swiss Club Qld committee would like to express their gratitude and thanks to all volunteers, helpers and sponsors of the club. For information about the current committee see Committee.
We are always looking for committee members and volunteers. Please contact our President if you are interested to help: info@swissclubqld.org.au
We welcome sponsors to assist with raffle prizes and to support our club. You can also advertise your company/product in our newsletter. For more info, please contact our treasurer: treasurer@swissclubqld.org.au. Cost for ads see Newsletter.
The Swiss Society of Queensland (Swiss Club Qld) has been established in Brisbane in 1965 by a group of dedicated Swiss. The vision, passion and drive of the founders ensured that we have a club we can be very proud of. For a detailed history of our club, please read our 50years anniversary edition of the ‘Swiss News’ here.